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Social Security Disability Benefits for the Vision Impaired in Montgomery, AL

ssd for visionSocial Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits are available to eligible applicants who are unable to work due to blindness. Blindness is defined as “central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye with best correction, or a limitation in the field of vision in the better eye so that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle of 20 degrees or less.”

In some cases, applicants can get benefits even if they are not legally blind. The Social Security Administration (SSA) website states:

If your vision does not meet the legal definition of blindness, you may still qualify for disability benefits if your vision problems alone or combined with other health problems prevent you from working. For Social Security disability benefits, you also must have worked long enough in a job where you paid Social Security taxes. For SSI payments based on disability and blindness, you need not have worked, but your income and resources must be under certain dollar limits.

Impairment-related work incentives (IRWE) are available for persons who receive SSDI based on blindness. The SSA deducts the cost of certain impairment-related items and services that are needed to work from gross earnings when deciding if countable earnings demonstrate performance of substantial gainful activity (SGA).

A Montgomery Social Security disability lawyer can help with your SSDI claim

The rules governing SSDI are intricate and confusing, and they must be followed precisely if you are to be awarded benefits. An experienced Social Security disability lawyer can examine the facts of your case and develop a strategy for obtaining the benefits you and your family deserve. This area of the law is best handled with the guidance of an experienced attorney. If your claim for benefits has been denied, there is help available. An experienced Montgomery SSDI attorney has the ability, training, and dedication needed to bring an appeal of your denial.

If you have questions about SSDI for the vision impaired or if your claim has been denied, contact The Dansby Law Firm, P.C. for a free consultation with a qualified and experienced Montgomery disability lawyer.

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