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How Do I Pay My Bills While Waiting for A Decision on Social Security Disability?

social security disability bills

Waiting for your Social Security Disability application to be approved is stressful, especially if you have financial obligations you’re struggling to meet. When you’re unable to work, the bills don’t stop coming in—and the Social Security Administration isn’t known for being speedy. In the meantime, what are you supposed to do? While there is no one perfect solution, there may be options you can explore.

Working with an SSD attorney in Montgomery can help you know what to expect and lower your stress levels. Call The Dansby Law Firm at 334-326-6449 to set up a consultation with our team now.


The SSD Application Waiting Period

Per the SSA, it generally takes three to six months to receive a decision on your disability application. However, not everyone is quite so lucky—there are many who report waiting over seven months for a preliminary decision. Fortunately, there are things you can do to minimize your wait as much as possible. By providing as much medical evidence from your doctor as possible and supplying as much supporting documentation as you can, you can do your part in securing a prompt decision.

As you wait, consider these options to bridge the gap.


Public Assistance Options in Montgomery

There are various forms of public assistance available to qualifying applicants, and if you have no income coming in, you likely qualify for at least one type of assistance. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) may be available to you if you have a minor child or a 19-year-old child attending school.

If food is one of your primary concerns, consider applying for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). These benefits can give you some breathing room and ensure that you and your family have access to healthy and filling food.

Medicaid is another option to explore since you’re likely unable to access employer-sponsored healthcare if you cannot work. It’s particularly important to maintain health coverage when disabled, as you are more likely to need emergency care than others.


Social Services Solutions

You may find it helpful to meet with the Alabama Department of Human Resources. They have lots of resources and connections within the community, and they may be able to put you in touch with different resources. You could get help from nonprofit organizations, local housing assistance programs, and utility assistance programs.


Communicate With Creditors

If some of your monthly bills come from debt, it’s good to reach out to your creditors as soon as possible to fill them in on your situation. They are interested in receiving payments—even if those payments come later than expected. Many Montgomery area banks and credit unions have forbearance and payment deferment programs that they can extend to unemployed debtors.


Explore Assets and Family Help

Unlike SSI, the SSDI program does not require that you have minimal assets and savings. You may still have substantial assets and savings available to you, and you may have to tap into your savings to make it through until benefits start coming in. If you have assets you no longer need, consider liquidating them and using those funds to cover your bills. If at all possible, avoid cashing in your retirement accounts early or taking a loan against your retirement account. This can result in hefty penalties and a significant amount of money lost to taxes. Don’t sacrifice your long-term future to make it in the short term.

Although many people don’t like asking for help, think about any friends or family members who may be willing to help you out in a pinch. For many, the help is there—they just have to ask. Be ready to explain the basics of your situation, tell them where you are in the application process, and let them know when you expect to have a decision.


Starting Your SSD Claim? Call The Dansby Law Firm

Waiting for a disability decision is never easy—but when you work with an experienced Montgomery disability attorney, you know you’re submitting the strongest application possible. Set up a time to meet with The Dansby Law Firm now by connecting with us online or calling us at 334-326-6449.

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