What Happens during the SSI or SSDI Approval Process?
Are you disabled and unable to currently earn a living or support yourself? If so, you may be able to secure the financial help you need when you apply and are approved for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) Benefits. Understanding what happens during the SSI and SSDI processes can be helpful for those who are struggling to make ends meet.
If you are having trouble getting your SSI or SSDI claims approved, an experienced Alabama Social Security disability lawyer at Dansby Law Firm can help you access the benefits that you deserve. Don’t hesitate. Schedule your case review today when you call our office at (334) 834-7001.
What is Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?
SSDI benefits are much different from SSI benefits. Social Security disability benefits are insured. This means that individuals who are eligible for benefits through SSDI have paid into the program by working. Every time they earned wages and paid Social Security taxes, they paid into the social Security disability insurance program.
When you become disabled and are no longer able to work, you may qualify for benefits under SSDI if you have a qualifying disability and have earned enough work credits. You can earn a maximum number of four work credits per year. The majority of SSDI applicants will need to have earned a minimum of twenty work credits over the last ten years in order to be eligible. If you have concerns regarding your eligibility status, you can contact our office to find out whether you qualify for SSDI benefits.
What is Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?
Supplemental Security Income benefits differ from Social Security disability insurance benefits in that SSI benefit eligibility is based on a person’s financial need. Only individuals who have not earned the required number of work credits to qualify for SSDI, and those who have a low income based on the SSA‘s requirements will be eligible for SSI benefits. It is not unusual for people who apply for SSI benefits to be denied on multiple occasions before eventually getting their applications approved on appeal with help from a Social Security disability lawyer.
What to Expect When Applying for SSDI or SSI
There are multiple details you need to know when applying for SSDI or SSI benefits. Now that you know what you need to do to qualify, you can begin your application process. The fastest way to apply is going to be online. Make sure that you have all of your information readily available before you apply, including your Social Security number, any Social Security numbers of benefits you will claim on your application, your financial records, and more.
If you are unable to apply online, you can also apply over the phone or by visiting your local Social Security office. You can expect to be required to complete an interview with a representative from the Social Security disability office to determine your eligibility status and how much benefits you could be awarded if your application is approved.
Once you have filled out your application, you can generally expect a decision within three to five months. However, do not be surprised if that decision is a denial. Both SSDI and SSI applicants are regularly denied benefits despite meeting all eligibility requirements. For this reason, it may be in your best interests to retain a Social Security disability lawyer to advocate for your right to the benefits that you deserve.
Contact an Alabama Social Security Disability Lawyer
When you are disabled and unable to earn a living, you have to take steps to continue supporting yourself and your family. You may be entitled to SSDI or SSI benefits depending on the details of your case.
Find out what options may be available to you when you reach out to an experienced Alabama Social Security disability lawyer at Dansby Law Firm. Schedule your initial case review by phone at (334) 834-7001. Or fill out our online contact form, and we will reach out to you to learn more about the specific details of your case.